Unlock Growth with Online E-Marketing Automation

published on 16 October 2023

Introduction to Online E-Marketing Automation

Online e-marketing automation refers to software tools and platforms that automate repetitive marketing tasks and workflows. By leveraging automation, marketers can streamline campaigns, segment contacts, conduct A/B testing, and unlock significant business growth.

Key benefits of e-marketing automation include:

  • Streamlined workflows that eliminate tedious manual tasks, saving marketers hours of time each week. With automation, repetitive steps like sending newsletters or following up with leads can be programmed to run automatically.
  • Increased revenue and conversion rates. Studies show businesses utilizing marketing automation achieve over 20% higher revenue growth on average. Automated lead nurturing and hyper-personalized messaging have been proven to drive more sales.
  • Better data-driven decisions. Detailed analytics provide granular insights into the performance of each campaign and message variation. Marketers can clearly see what's working to optimize based on hard data.
  • Improved productivity to focus on strategy and innovation. With automation handling repetitive tasks, marketers can devote time to high-level strategy, creative content development, and innovation.
  • Enhanced customer experiences through personalization. Automated workflows deliver timely, tailored messaging based on each subscriber's unique journey and needs. Segmentation enables truly relevant communication.

Overall, e-marketing automation provides a scalable way for marketers to streamline efforts, maximize productivity, drive performance, and unlock substantial business growth. By leveraging the right platforms and tools, marketers can work smarter, not harder.

Automating Workflows

Automating workflows eliminates the need for marketers to manually trigger and oversee each step and action in a campaign sequence. Platforms like SensorPro provide intuitive drag-and-drop workflow builders to set up multi-step automations without coding.

Key benefits of automating workflows include:

  • Saving dozens of hours per campaign of tedious manual labor needed for repetitive tasks like sending weekly newsletters, following up with cold leads, and onboarding new subscribers. Workflows automate these time-consuming processes.
  • Creating personalized sequences tailored to guide subscribers through key journeys. Welcome new subscribers, cross-sell existing ones, win back lapsed contacts, and more, all automatically.
  • Triggering actions based on events like form submissions, site visits, e-commerce behaviors, or dates. Send birthday messages, anniversaries, cart abandonment reminders, and other timely communications automatically.
  • Focusing strategic efforts on innovation, testing, and optimization rather than repetitive tasks. With workflows handling minutiae, marketers can devote time to high-level strategy.
  • Ensuring consistent execution of messaging strategies across all contacts in each campaign, every time.

In summary, automating workflows boosts productivity, drives more personalization, and allows marketers to focus on big-picture strategy to maximize results.

Segmenting Contacts

Sophisticated marketing automation platforms enable segmentation by grouping contacts into lists and segments based on attributes like demographics, interests, and behaviors. This allows personalized communication tailored to resonate with each target group.

Key benefits of contact segmentation include:

  • Targeting communications and offers based on location, job title, interests, purchase history, and more. For example, segment new vs repeat buyers.
  • Crafting messaging that speaks directly to the needs of each subscriber group based on their unique characteristics. Personalization dramatically improves engagement and conversions.
  • Identifying high-value VIP prospects for special incentives, offers, and exclusive content to nurture. Segmenting helps retain loyal buyers and re-engage dormant contacts.
  • Gaining data-driven insights through segmentation analytics identifying which groups have the highest engagement, lifetime value, churn risk, etc.
  • Improving campaign ROI by minimizing wasted spend on broad generic messaging and instead using segmentation to boost relevant engagement.

In summary, intelligent segmentation enabled by marketing automation allows for extremely personalized, relevant communication tailored to each contact's profile. This results in greater engagement, conversions, and growth.

A/B Testing Campaigns

A/B split testing is an essential optimization tool that compares different versions of emails to see which generates the best engagement and conversions.

Key benefits of A/B testing campaigns include:

  • Optimizing subject lines by testing variations with different emojis, urgency cues, personalized text, etc. to determine which get the highest open rates.
  • Determining the most effective email content format and style for each audience by testing text vs. image vs. video emails, long-form vs. short-form content, and more.
  • Identifying the optimal day and time to send for each segment by testing Tuesdays vs. Thursdays, mornings vs. afternoons, etc. Send timing can significantly impact performance.
  • Continually improving campaign metrics by testing every element. Tests quickly reveal improvements to open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and revenue.
  • Gaining data-driven insights on subscriber preferences and behaviors by seeing which variations resonate best. These learnings can be applied to future campaigns.

In summary, A/B testing enables data-driven optimization of campaigns by using real market feedback to systematically maximize engagement and performance. It should be an integrated element of any marketing automation strategy.

Key Features of E-Marketing Automation Platforms

To unlock the full benefits of marketing automation, brands need a feature-rich platform that provides end-to-end functionality. Here are some must-have capabilities:

  • Workflow Automation: Multi-step campaign sequencing, triggers based on actions/dates, branching logic, visual workflow builders.
  • Segmentation: Combine attributes and behaviors to group contacts. Dynamic lists update automatically.
  • A/B Testing: Subject line testing, content experiments, optimize timing and layouts.
  • CRM Integrations: Sync email campaigns with platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho.
  • E-Commerce Integrations: Connect with e-commerce platforms like Shopify to track buyer journeys.
  • Analytics: In-depth metrics on open, CTR, conversion rates, campaign performance, ROI.
  • Deliverability Tools: Authentication, blacklist monitoring, inbox placement testing, and more to maximize reach.
  • Drag-and-Drop Builders: Quickly build emails with pre-designed templates.

Leading solutions like SensorPro provide a robust all-in-one platform to execute omni-channel campaigns while optimizing performance.

Automated Workflows

Workflow automation enables sequencing multi-step campaigns triggered by date, time, website behaviors, form data, and more without manual oversight.

Key capabilities of advanced workflow automation include:

  • Visual drag-and-drop workflow builders with branching logic functions to create sophisticated sequences.
  • Pre-built workflow templates for common scenarios like lead nurturing, event follow-ups, appointment reminders, etc.
  • Ability to create multi-track automations with personalized paths for different segments.
  • Email actions triggered by opening previous emails, clicking links, submitting forms, e-commerce behaviors like abandoned carts, and more.
  • Scheduling capabilities to set specific send times and recurrences down to the minute.

Solutions like GetResponse, MailerLite, and SensorPro offer advanced workflow automation to turn simple communications into fully automated campaigns that engage contacts and drive conversions.

Segmentation and Targeting

Sophisticated segmentation and targeting enables dividing contacts into relevant groups for hyper-personalized messaging tailored to their needs.

Key features include:

  • Combining attributes like demographics, interests, purchase history, and engagement data to build rich subscriber profiles.
  • Event-based behavioral segmentation that reacts in real-time. For example, segment users who clicked a link within 24 hours.
  • AI-powered lookalike modeling to find new contacts similar to existing high-value segments.
  • A/B testing capabilities to see which segments respond best to different messaging variations.
  • Custom field creation for capturing subscriber data to enhance segmentation logic.

Top platforms like Klaviyo, Omnisend, and SensorPro provide powerful segmentation to hyper-personalize campaigns and boost results.

A/B Testing Capabilities

Optimizing through A/B testing is critical for peak campaign performance. Leading platforms have streamlined split testing capabilities.

Key features include:

  • Easy subject line testing with previews and WYSIWYG editing.
  • Content experiments to test different formats like video vs. images.
  • Testing optimized time and day to identify the ideal send times.
  • Segment-specific testing to see which groups respond best.
  • Multivariate testing combining multiple variants.
  • Automated winner selection based on open rate, CTR, revenue, etc.
  • Side-by-side reporting on test results and insights gained.

Robust testing platforms like OptinMonster, GetResponse, and SensorPro enable continual optimization through controlled experiments to maximize performance.

Evaluating E-Marketing Automation Platforms

With many solutions on the market, it’s crucial to evaluate options based on key criteria before selecting a platform:

  • Core Features: Workflow automation, segmentation, A/B testing, integrations, analytics, and more. Prioritize must-have functionality.
  • Deliverability: Review dedicated IP reputation, inbox placement tools, and results.
  • Support: Assess availability of onboarding, training, email support, knowledge base.
  • Compliance: Confirm GDPR, CAN-SPAM Act compliance, and privacy controls.
  • Security: Review data encryption, security protocols, and safeguards.
  • Scalability: Evaluate ability to support growing lists without degradation.
  • Pricing: Compare plans and costs. Consider ease of upgrading.

By comparing leading solutions across these criteria, marketers can select the right platform to meet their unique needs at scale.

Comparing Core Features

When evaluating marketing automation platforms, start by confirming they have robust capabilities for workflow automation, contact segmentation, A/B testing, analytics, and CRM/e-commerce integrations.



Platform B

Platform C

Workflow Automation




Segmentation Options


5 Segments


A/B Testing








CRM Integrations




Prioritize solutions that enable intuitive workflow building, flexible segmentation, multivariate testing, and deep analytics like SensorPro to maximize results.

Assessing Deliverability

Deliverability rate impacts results - if emails don’t reach the inbox, campaigns suffer. When comparing vendors, evaluate proven deliverability success.

  • Review dedicated IP reputation history and in-house sending infrastructure. Higher reputation equals better inbox placement.
  • Look for authentication tools like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC that boost deliverability.
  • Consider predictive inbox placement testing to optimize campaigns pre-send.
  • Evaluate expertise in managing sender reputation, Gmail/Outlook algorithms, and anti-spam regulations like GDPR.

Vendors like SendinBlue and SensorPro invest heavily in deliverability, with strong IP reputations and advanced inbox placement analytics.

Reviewing Customer Support

When reviewing marketing automation platforms, consider:

  • Availability of onboarding assistance and regular training webinars.
  • Different tiers of customer support (email, chat, phone) for flexibility.
  • Whether support teams are in-house employees vs. outsourced. In-house typically provides better, more contextual service.
  • User community forums to learn from other customers.

Vendors like ActiveCampaign, Acoustic, and SensorPro are recognized for exceptional in-house customer service and personalized assistance.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

  • Marketing automation provides marketers with a scalable solution to streamline workflows, drive leads and sales, and unlock significant business growth.
  • Core features like workflow builders, contact segmentation, and A/B testing enable marketers to work smarter and maximize productivity.
  • Choosing the right platform is crucial. Evaluate deliverability, support availability, compliance, security, and ease of use.
  • Leading solutions like SensorPro provide an all-in-one toolkit to execute high-performing omni-channel campaigns.
  • The bottom line is that adopting marketing automation is mission-critical for marketers aiming to boost productivity, improve campaign effectiveness, gain competitive advantage, and propel business growth to new levels.

SensorPro's marketing automation platform provides all the tools needed to streamline workflows, segment contacts, optimize campaigns, and drive results. Learn more about how SensorPro can unlock growth for your business.

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