Streamline Your Marketing with Constant Contact

published on 25 October 2023

Introduction: The Challenges of Email Marketing

Email marketing can be a frustrating endeavor for many businesses. Creating targeted campaigns, ensuring deliverability, designing engaging content, and tracking results all take considerable time and effort. Many marketers find themselves overwhelmed trying to juggle these various components, resulting in haphazard and ineffective email strategies. This is where a platform like Constant Contact comes in. Constant Contact was designed to address the common email marketing pain points with easy-to-use automation, deliverability tools, and real support. This guide will explore how Constant Contact can help streamline your marketing.

Automating Workflows

Constant Contact enables creating automated email workflows based on subscriber actions. Workflows can send welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, educational content, and more. These multi-step campaigns are executed consistently without the need for manual send-outs. Segment contacts to target workflows by subscriber attributes. Automated workflows save time compared to coordinating each campaign step manually.

Welcome Series

Send welcome emails to new subscribers over time. Schedule messages to go out hours, days or weeks after signup. Tailor content to subscriber interests noted at signup. Add discounts or exclusive offers in later welcome emails. Welcome series nurture relationships with new contacts.

For example, the first welcome email could thank subscribers for signing up and provide quick tips for getting started. A second email sent a few days later might share in-depth tutorials for using your product's key features based on the interests they indicated during signup. Lastly, a final welcome message could offer a 10% off coupon code valid for their first purchase to incentivize trial of your offerings.

Spreading out onboarding content over multiple touchpoints prevents overwhelming new users. Tailoring the information to their interests makes the content more relevant. Providing special offers encourages subscribers to take action and start engaging with your brand. Automating this multi-step process ensures its consistent execution.

Educational Content

Send subscribers informative content related to your offerings over time to nurture them. For contacts that haven't purchased yet, share educational material to inform them. Build trust and credibility by demonstrating your expertise.

For example, an accounting software company could create a workflow that sends tax tips and guides to non-paying contacts to showcase knowledge. An apparel retailer might send style trend reports and wardrobe tips to nurture subscribers. Providing valuable education related to your products builds affinity.

Abandoned Cart

Trigger emails when customers abandon carts without purchase. Remind contacts about items left in cart to recover revenue. Personalize with specific product details from their cart. Offer discounts or free shipping to incentivize checkout. Abandoned cart automation re-engages shoppers during the buying journey.

For instance, if a customer adds a $50 product to their cart but doesn't complete checkout, you could send an email reminding them about that item the next day. The email copy could say "Don't forget about the [product name] still waiting in your cart!" and include a picture of the item. To provide extra incentive, offer free 2-day shipping or 10% off if they complete their purchase.

Timing the reminder soon after cart abandonment and including personalized details keeps the product fresh in their mind. Added discounts make finishing the purchase more appealing. Recovering even a fraction of abandoned carts can significantly increase revenue.

Subscriber Segmentation

Divide subscriber list into segments by attributes like interests, location, purchase history, etc. Send targeted content to each segment based on their characteristics. For example, group customers by product category interest to send relevant offers. Use behavioral filtering to segment by actions like opening emails, clicking links, etc. Segmentation allows personalized messaging at scale.


Segment by interests collected during signup or surveys. Tailor content and offers by topics subscribers care about. Send pet lovers tips for pet care and related products. Book enthusiasts may appreciate reviews and new release updates. Interest segmentation boosts engagement with relevant messaging.

For instance, an eco-friendly company could segment subscribers who expressed interest in sustainability tips into a "Green Living" group. Emails sent to this segment could share advice for living more sustainably at home, spotlight eco-friendly products, or announce donations tied to environmental causes. Aligning messaging with subscriber interests in this way can increase open and click-through rates.


Divide contacts by location like country, region, city, etc. Adjust content to align with geographic areas. Localized messaging resonates more. For example, highlight nearby stores or events. Consider language and cultural nuances for each locale. Location segmentation improves relevance.

For instance, a retailer could segment their list by country to customize content. Contacts in France may receive emails highlighting promotions in Euros, while those in Canada see offers in CAD dollars. Location data enables tailoring messages to resonate better with subscribers in each geography.


Divide contacts by their email opening, link clicking, and purchase activity. Send special offers to highly engaged subscribers. Follow up inactive subscribers to re-engage them. Remind irregular shoppers about cart abandonment or wishlists. Behavioral segmentation helps tailor touchpoints.

For example, an online retailer could create a VIP segment for customers who open most emails and frequently make purchases. This group would receive exclusive deals and early access to sales. On the other hand, subscribers who haven't opened in 6+ months could get a "We miss you" re-engagement campaign with incentives to reactivate them.

A/B Testing

Constant Contact enables A/B testing email components like subject lines, content, and designs. Create different versions and send to small samples of subscribers. Compare open rates, clicks, and other metrics between variants to identify high-performing options to improve campaign results. Ongoing testing allows continual optimization.

Subject Line Testing

Craft different subject line options and test against each other. Some may use emotional appeals, others may focus on content teasers. Determine which subject lines drive most opens for better results. Refine subject lines over time as you expand test sample size. Optimal subject lines pique curiosity and get emails opened.

For example, test "50% off our best-selling shoes THIS WEEKEND" against "We think these shoes were made for you". The promotional subject may get more opens, while personalized one could lead to higher click-throughs. Testing helps determine the best balancing of urgency and personalization for optimal open and click rates.

Content Testing

Test entirely different email content and design variants against each other. Send one version focused on product features, another on lifestyle imagery. See which version subscribers engage with more based on clicks. Maximize engagement by using the better-performing option going forward. Content tests identify messaging that resonates best.

For instance, an automotive brand could test a newsletter focused on their latest safety features versus one showcasing customers enjoying scenic drives. If the safety version sees higher clicks on those product pages, they can refine messaging to highlight safety more prominently. This data-driven approach surfaces the most effective copy and creative direction.

Analyzing Test Results

Leverage statistical significance to confidently determine winning variants. Calculate the confidence level and p-value to quantify the certainty that one variant outperformed another. For most effective testing, ensure sample sizes provide at least 95% confidence at a 0.05 p-value threshold. Proper statistical analysis validates the optimal version to roll out for improved performance.


Constant Contact integrates with ecommerce platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce. Sync store data to access customer details and behavioral data. Leverage purchase history and cart activity for targeted workflows. Abandoned cart automations can help recover lost revenue. Platform integrations enhance personalization and automation.


Bi-directional sync keeps Shopify and Constant Contact data aligned. Import customers and their purchase history with ease. Setup post-purchase surveys, winback campaigns, and more. Remarket to browsing shoppers who left items in cart. Shopify integration empowers marketing based on buyer behavior.

For example, you can create an automated workflow that sends a 10% off coupon to customers that have made 2+ purchases over $50, encouraging increased order frequency. Alternatively, syncing Shopify's cart abandonment data enables sending timely reminders to recover lost sales from shoppers that left items unpurchased.


Connect WooCommerce stores to access key customer data. Import subscribers and order data into Constant Contact. Create targeted automations based on customer lifetime value, order frequency, product category interest, and more. WooCommerce integration streamlines personalized marketing.

For instance, you could segment customers who purchased yoga products more than once in the past year, and automatically enroll them in a "Yoga Enthusiasts" nurture program with relevant content. Syncing order data from WooCommerce enables creating fine-tuned segments and workflows in Constant Contact.


Constant Contact has in-house deliverability team monitoring inbox placement. They help ensure emails skip spam folders and land in subscriber inboxes. Proprietary IP warm-up helps new accounts establish sender reputation gradually. Inbox placement vital for ensuring subscribers see and engage with messages. Strong deliverability maximizes chances of connecting with contacts.

IP Warm-Up

New Constant Contact accounts undergo gradual send volume ramp-up. Starting with small test batches, sending is expanded as reputation builds over time. Warm-up prevents "too much, too fast" red flags from ISPs. It helps establish domain and IP reputation safely to maintain deliverability. Proprietary warm-up protects new accounts.

Rather than permitting high volumes immediately, warm-up limits initial sending to small test batches. As Constant Contact's deliverability team monitors ISP feedback, send volume is slowly increased. Pacing growth avoids triggering spam filters. Warm-up provides time to accumulate data showing Constant Contact is a legitimate sender.


DKIM, SPF, and DMARC authentication show Constant Contact is a trusted sender. These protocols tell ISPs that emails genuinely come from Constant Contact system. Proper authentication signals Constant Contact is not sending spam. Authentication prevents emails from wrongly being flagged as suspicious. Robust authentication improves deliverability to inboxes.

For example, DMARC confirmation assures ISPs that the sending domain matches the domain in email headers. This prevents spoofing attempts from spammers trying to imitate legitimate companies. Proper SPF records list Constant Contact's outgoing IPs, flagging any unauthorized sending. Authentication builds trust for high inbox placement.

Customer Support

Constant Contact offers 24/7 customer support via phone, chat, and email. Quickly get help from real people without frustrating automated bots. Support team can provide guidance for questions on using platform. Submit tickets to report issues and have them investigated. Quality support provides assistance when needed.


Dedicated onboarding specialist helps new customers setup account properly. Ensure you establish guidelines, import contacts, configure settings, and more. Ask questions and get guided assistance tailored to your needs. Proper onboarding sets your account up for success from the start. Onboarding support streamlines your transition to the platform.

Rather than leaving customers to figure everything out alone, one-on-one onboarding lends expertise to ensure correct setup. Onboarding specialists can advise on best practices based on your business needs, assist bringing in existing data, and fully configure your account for optimal use. Their specialized guidance prevents self-setup pitfalls.

Advanced Use Cases

Constant Contact support assists with complex scenarios beyond basics. If migrating a large subscriber base or executing intricate automations, their experts help ensure successful implementation. For sophisticated needs, human support offers capabilities exceeding simple self-service bots.

For instance, if merging multiple legacy lists into Constant Contact, support can guide database integration to prevent errors or duplication. For advanced users running A/B tests across numerous variables, support helps configure proper experimental setup and analyze multivariate test results. Their expertise assists advanced applications.


Constant Contact simplifies email marketing with automation features like workflows and segmentation. Integrations with ecommerce platforms allow leveraging buyer data to personalize messages. Deliverability tools help ensure that emails reliably reach subscriber inboxes. Quality support provides assistance to users when needed. Overall, Constant Contact offers capabilities to streamline marketing for modern businesses.

The intelligent automation, segmentation, and integration capabilities provide ways to create targeted, personalized campaigns at scale. Deliverability and support services give users reliability and expertise needed to execute email strategies effectively. With its balance of ease of use and advanced functionality, Constant Contact enables both simple and sophisticated email marketing techniques to drive results.

If you're overwhelmed managing your email marketing campaigns, explore how the Constant Contact platform can help streamline your efforts for improved results. Their automation tools and real support empower you to execute targeted, engaging email strategies with ease.

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