Pre-header text is like an extra subject line for your email; Who wouldn't want that?

published on 17 October 2023

Introduction to Pre-header Text and Its Benefits for Email Marketers

Pre-header text, also known as preview text, refers to the short summary text that appears before the subject line in emails. It provides recipients with a sneak peek at the content of the email before opening. Pre-header text is typically limited to about 30-50 characters in length and displays right next to or underneath the subject line in most email clients. The goal of pre-header text is to entice the reader to open the email by highlighting the core value proposition or key details they will find inside.

Using pre-header text offers several key advantages for email marketers looking to boost engagement:

What is Pre-header Text?

  • Pre-header text (also known as preview text) is summary text before the subject line in emails.
  • It provides a preview of the email content for recipients.
  • It displays next to the subject line on most email clients.
  • The goal is to entice readers to open the email.
  • Pre-header text is limited to about 30-50 characters in length.

Benefits of Using Pre-header Text for Marketers

  • Can significantly increase open rates by highlighting value proposition.
  • Gives recipients a sneak peek to pique interest in content.
  • Allows testing of multiple pre-headers to optimize open rates.
  • Provides flexibility to tailor message for different segments.
  • Opportunity to A/B test pre-header variants with tools like Sensorpro.

Examples of Effective Pre-header Text

  • 20% off your next Nike purchase
  • Your Amazon Prime membership renewed
  • New iPhone cases - check them out
  • Your Home Depot order shipped today!
  • Complete your DoorDash sign up now

Best Practices for Writing Strong Pre-header Text

  • Keep it short but compelling - around 30-50 characters.
  • Highlight the core value proposition or key details.
  • Use active voice with a call to action when possible.
  • Target the pre-header text based on audience segment.
  • A/B testing different versions to optimize.
  • Personalize with dynamic text where relevant.

Optimizing Pre-headers with Sensorpro

  • Automated pre-header generation and encoding by Sensorpro.
  • Built-in A/B testing capabilities to refine pre-headers.
  • Personalization with merge tags for targeted previews.
  • Analyze performance by segment to continuously improve.
  • Preview pre-headers easily for each campaign.
  • Ensure compliance with pre-header requirements.

Pre-header Text Strategies and Use Cases

When developing a strategy for pre-header text, it's important to align it with the content and goals of each email campaign. Here are some examples of effective pre-header text for different use cases:

Pre-headers for Promotions and Deals

  • Highlight discount or savings amount and deadline.
  • Use urgency cues like "24 hours only!".
  • Target based on customer lifecycle and past purchases.
  • Test calls to action like "Don't miss" or "Last chance".
  • Personalize with name, product interest, order status.

Pre-headers for Newsletters and Updates

  • Summarize key articles or content featured.
  • Note special guest writers or experts.
  • Mention new sections, features, or improvements.
  • Highlight personalized content for subscribers.
  • Use newsletter name to set expectations.

Pre-headers for Notifications and Reminders

  • Summarize the specific notification purpose.
  • Add urgency like "Due this Friday!".
  • Use dynamic merge tag details.
  • Test value focused vs. task focused.
  • Align to recipient mindset and tone.

Personalization and Segmentation

  • Tailor pre-headers based on user attributes and history.
  • Create location specific pre-headers for local deals.
  • Wish subscribers a happy birthday or anniversary.
  • Recommend products based on past purchases.
  • Remind of items left in shopping cart.

Testing and Optimization with Sensorpro

  • Conduct A/B tests of pre-header variants to find best option.
  • Analyze performance by segment and device.
  • Use heatmaps to identify engagement levels.
  • Monitor metrics over time and pivot as needed.
  • Leverage experiments to simplify optimization.

Pre-header Text Compliance and Delivery Considerations

It's important to follow best practices for legal compliance and deliverability when crafting pre-header text:

Pre-header Compliance Requirements

  • Cannot contain email addresses per CAN-SPAM Act.
  • EU's GDPR prohibits personal data in pre-headers.
  • Stay concise to avoid trigger terms for spam filters.
  • Avoid misleading or deceptive phrasing.
  • Use encoded pre-header text if needed.

Encoding Methods to Improve Deliverability

  • URL encode pre-headers to mask trigger terms.
  • Base64 encoding converts to text strings.
  • Avoids filtering if plain text seems spammy.
  • Encoded version displays if clients allow previews.
  • Test encoding works across email clients.

Optimizing Previews on Mobile Devices

  • Keep mobile previews short and scannable.
  • Emphasize exclusives and urgency.
  • Use timeliness like "Today only!".
  • Test dynamic previews based on preferences.
  • Ensure design adapts well across screens.

Troubleshooting Pre-header Display Issues

  • Ensure text is within 30-50 character limit.
  • Verify encoded pre-header decodes properly.
  • Check consistency across email clients.
  • Adjust phrasing if truncated on some clients.
  • Tweak template design if overlapping elements.

Bringing It All Together with Sensorpro

  • Automated pre-header generation and encoding.
  • Pre-built templates with mobile-optimized previews.
  • Tools to preview, test, analyze performance.
  • Features to ensure compliance.
  • Deliverability infrastructure for inbox placement.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

In summary, pre-header text is a valuable tool that provides an impactful email preview to boost open rates. Writing compelling pre-headers aligned to content and audience increases engagement. Ongoing optimization with testing and personalization can continually improve results. Following compliance and deliverability best practices also safeguards sender reputation. With its robust capabilities, Sensorpro helps marketers maximize pre-header text effectiveness.

The key takeaways around pre-header text include:

  • Previews provide value by increasing open rates.
  • Align pre-headers to content and audience for engagement.
  • Continual optimization through testing improves results.
  • Compliance protects sender reputation and deliverability.
  • Sensorpro's capabilities empower effective pre-headers.

By leveraging pre-header text strategically with the right tools, email marketers can grab attention, increase opens and clicks, and enhance campaign performance. See how Sensorpro's platform can optimize your pre-headers today.

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