Pause emails for a while.

published on 15 June 2022

Oracle say subscribers welcome the option to pause emails for a while —instead of unsubscribing— and when clients tried this, 82 out of every 100 unsubscribes selected the pause option instead. 

Unsubscribes sting, no question about it.

But email marketers can misjudge what this means.

It's not always about ending a relationship.

Perhaps the brand sends more often than expected, or the subscriber wants a break.

Whatever the reason, pausing emails hands down beats an unsubscribe.

PS Approaching a holiday is a good time to tell subscribers about the pause emails option, especially if you plan to increase frequency.


Pause emails are included in the Sensorpro Preference center tool. 

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To activate the tool, select Surveys then select the Preference center template.

Copy the link and use in the footer unsubscribe section as a text link or a button link.

To exclude subscribers who have Paused emails, add a rule to your segment where Pause date is less than today's date.

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