How to Track Revenue Attribution for Shopify Sales from Sensorpro Email Campaigns

published on 18 October 2023

Introduction to Revenue Attribution for Shopify

Understanding where your sales are coming from is crucial for any ecommerce business. Revenue attribution refers to the process of tracking sales back to their original source - whether that be email, paid ads, organic search, or other channels. For Shopify stores, having clear visibility into revenue attribution is key to making smart marketing decisions and allocating budgets effectively.

Email marketing platforms like Sensorpro integrate directly with Shopify to enable closed-loop attribution analysis. This means you can easily track sales generated from specific Sensorpro email campaigns, down to the individual customer level. By connecting your email and commerce data, you gain clear insight into your customers' journeys and what marketing channels are driving the most revenue.

Challenges With Revenue Attribution for Ecommerce

Attributing sales to specific marketing channels is notoriously difficult in ecommerce. Some key challenges include:

  • Many touchpoints - With email, social, search, referrals and more, customers interact with brands across many touchpoints, making it hard to attribute sales to any one campaign or channel.
  • Reliance on last-click - Many businesses still depend on last-click attribution, which skews data by only giving credit to the final click before purchase. This results in an inaccurate view of what's truly driving sales.
  • Lack of cross-channel visibility - Disconnected data between email, social, paid search, and other channels makes it extremely difficult to connect the dots and analyze the complete customer journey.
  • No built-in tracking - Platforms like Shopify don't have native attribution tracking capabilities. You need another solution to enable it.
  • Need for new models - More advanced attribution models are required that go beyond simplistic last-click and offer a more representative view. For example, algorithmic attribution analyzes the influence of every interaction across channels to determine impact.

Why Proper Revenue Attribution Matters for Shopify Stores

Having clear insights into revenue attribution is crucial for Shopify merchants for several reasons:

  • Optimize marketing budget - By understanding your best-performing channels, you can double down on what works and optimize your budgets.
  • Identify low-performing channels - On the flip side, you can identify areas where you're wasting money and reallocate those budgets more effectively.
  • Improve customer experience - Revenue attribution helps you connect touchpoints in the buyer journey to improve CX.
  • Gain path-to-purchase insights - Analyzing attribution provides intel into how your customers typically discover and purchase from your brand.

With these insights, you're armed with the data needed to optimize your marketing strategies and budgets to drive more revenue.

Strategies for Tracking Revenue Attribution

There are a few core strategies Shopify brands can leverage:

  • UTM tagging - Use UTM parameters to tag links in emails, ads, etc. to basic level attribution.
  • Attribution software - Dedicated tools like Sensorpro provide robust attribution modeling.
  • Ecommerce platform integration - Connect your email service and Shopify store for closed-loop analysis.
  • Analyze behavior flows - Look at typical buyer journeys in analytics platforms.
  • Surveys - Ask customers directly what channels influence them. Be sure to keep surveys concise and focused on attribution insights.

Using UTM Tags for Basic Attribution

UTM tags allow you to track key parameters like traffic source, campaign name, keywords, and more. For example:

  • utm_source - Tracks source e.g. newsletter, social
  • utm_medium - The medium e.g. email, CPC
  • utm_campaign - The specific campaign name

You can easily append UTM tags to links in emails, social posts, PPC ads, etc. Then within your analytics, you can filter to see which UTM tags are associated with conversions. This provides a more advanced alternative vs. last-click attribution. The main limitation is that UTM only reveals part of the customer journey.

Leveraging Attribution Software and Platforms

For more advanced attribution, leveraging a dedicated software solution like Sensorpro provides complete tracking of how every touchpoint contributes to conversions. Sensorpro integrates directly with Shopify to import purchase data and match it against customer profiles in Sensorpro.

Ecommerce platforms like Shopify also may offer integrations with email service providers and analytics platforms to help track cross-channel journeys. The benefit of these tools is they provide a holistic view based on algorithmic modeling to account for multiple touchpoints. The downside can be cost and complexity to set up.

Connecting Sensorpro and Shopify for Attribution

One of the easiest ways to enable closed-loop attribution between email and revenue is to connect your Sensorpro and Shopify accounts.

The Sensorpro-Shopify integration allows you to:

  • See revenue generated directly from Sensorpro email campaigns
  • Optimize email campaigns based on performance data
  • Leverage Sensorpro's robust email marketing features

How the Sensorpro-Shopify Integration Works

Here's an overview of how to set it up:

  • Install the Sensorpro app in the Shopify app marketplace
  • Connect your Shopify store and map email + customer data
  • Sensorpro pulls in purchase data and matches it against subscriber profiles
  • View attributed revenue directly in Sensorpro campaign reports
  • Leverage segmentation and workflows based on LTV and purchase history

Fig 1. - Sensorpro Shopify integration workflow

Key Benefits of Integrating Sensorpro and Shopify

Some top benefits include:

  • Closed-loop attribution without relying solely on UTM tags
  • Unlocks insights between email campaigns and revenue
  • Optimize campaigns to drive more sales
  • Personalize email with workflows based on purchase data
  • Supports advanced attribution beyond last-click model

The Sensorpro-Shopify integration provides the missing link that many Shopify merchants need to truly understand revenue attribution.

Additional Tips for Revenue Attribution

Beyond connecting Sensorpro and Shopify, here are some additional tips:

  • Use advanced attribution models - Like algorithmic or time-decay to account for multiple touchpoints.
  • Track assisted conversions - Don't just focus on last-click.
  • Connect via identifiers - Tie channels together based on email address or other IDs.
  • Analyze trends over time - Don't rely on one-off data points.

Attribution Models Beyond Last-Click

Rather than last-click, consider algorithmic attribution which analyzes the influence of every interaction, or time-decay models that weight more recent touchpoints higher. The key is to account for the entire customer journey - not just the final click.

Surveys and Interviews to Fill Gaps

Surveys and customer interviews can provide context on channel influence by asking directly what compelled them to purchase. This fills qualitative gaps that the data alone may not reveal. Keep surveys focused and concise to get quality attribution insights.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Understanding which marketing channels drive revenue is crucial for ecommerce success. Platforms like Sensorpro integrate with Shopify to enable closed-loop attribution analysis. Check out Sensorpro's email marketing platform to experience the power of attribution insights.

Key takeaways:

  • Attribution provides insight into marketing ROI.
  • Integrations connect data across email and sales.
  • Optimize campaigns based on performance.
  • Consider the full journey - not just last click.
  • Mix quantitative and qualitative data for a complete picture.

By leveraging an integration between Sensorpro's leading email platform and Shopify, retailers can unlock deeper insights into customer journeys to inform smarter marketing decisions.

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