Email Marketing Without Spending A Dime With Chimpmail Free

published on 20 October 2023

Introduction to Chimpmail's Free Plan

Chimpmail is a popular email marketing platform that offers both paid and free plans. Their free plan provides a great way for small businesses and startups to get started with effective email campaigns without a large monetary investment. The key features included are basic automation tools like creating sequences or triggers, A/B testing capabilities, integrations with ecommerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, drag-and-drop email editors, and more.

With the free plan, you can have up to 2,000 contacts on your mailing list - ideal for anyone just starting out. This article will specifically cover everything that comes with Chimpmail's free email marketing plan, outlining the key capabilities, limitations, and who it is best suited for. We'll also compare some aspects to Sensorpro's offerings where relevant. Read on to learn how you can leverage Chimpmail's free tools to run campaigns and connect with customers without spending a dime.

Comparing Chimpmail Free vs Sensorpro Starter Plan

Before diving into Chimpmail's free plan details, it's useful to briefly compare it to Sensorpro's starter plan:

  • List Size: Chimpmail free is limited to 2,000 contacts, while Sensorpro starter supports up to 5,000 contacts.

  • Monthly Sends: You can send 12,000 emails/month with Chimpmail vs 25,000 with Sensorpro.

  • Deliverability: Sensorpro offers dedicated IPs and advanced deliverability tools that are lacking in Chimpmail's free plan.

  • Support: Sensorpro provides 24/7 live chat assistance even for free users. Chimpmail's is more limited.

So while Chimpmail accommodates smaller lists, Sensorpro scales better for growth and offers superior deliverability. However, Chimpmail's free plan still packs quite a punch.

List Size and Sending Limits

The free plan from Chimpmail allows up to 2,000 contacts on your mailing list. This provides ample room for small businesses and early-stage startups to build their audience.

You can send up to 12,000 emails per month, which is more than enough for low-volume campaigns. As your list starts to outgrow the limits, it's easy to upgrade to higher tiers with more features and larger list capacities.

For comparison, Sensorpro's starter plan comes with 5,000 contacts and 25,000 monthly emails. So Chimpmail's free option accommodates smaller lists, but Sensorpro may be better suited if you're expecting faster growth.

Expanding Contacts with Chimpmail Free

If your contact list grows beyond 2,000 subscribers on the free plan, Chimpmail does offer some flexibility. You can purchase add-on packs of 1,000 extra contacts for around $14/month. This can be a cheap way to gradually expand your list size as needed.

However, the maximum contacts allowed on the free plan is still capped at 2,000. The add-ons simply let you maintain that list size for longer before needing to upgrade. In contrast, Sensorpro allows you to pay per extra contact sent beyond your plan, with no hard limit.

Key Features and Capabilities

Now let's look at some of the key features you can take advantage of with Chimpmail's free plan:

Email Automation

  • Sequences - Set up multi-email journeys like sign-up sequences, post-purchase follow-ups, win-back series, and more. These can run based on time delays or user actions.

  • Triggers - Automate campaigns to deploy when specific events occur, such as welcoming new subscribers, re-engaging dormant contacts, or recovering abandoned carts.

For example, you can create a 5-email sequence that sends tips and offers to customers after they make their first purchase. Or trigger a win-back email to subscribers who haven't opened in 60+ days.

A/B Testing

Chimpmail's free plan allows you to set up A/B test different email components like subject lines, content sections, calls-to-action, send times, and more. View reports to see which test variants drive higher open and click-through rates.

Basic Analytics

View key metrics on your emails like open rate, click rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate, and more. Segment data by campaigns, subscriber segments, and other parameters.

While basic, these reports help assess engagement and fine-tune your approach. Paid plans unlock more advanced analytics.


Connect your Chimpmail account to popular platforms like:

  • Shopify - Sync store data, set up post-purchase automations, recover abandoned carts.

  • WooCommerce - Connect your WooCommerce online store for easy data flows.

  • Zapier - Build connections to 1,000+ other apps including CRMs, webinar software, accounting tools, and more.

  • Salesforce - Sync your contacts and associate Chimpmail campaign analytics with records.

Drag-and-Drop Editor

Chimpmail's editor makes it fast and easy to build great-looking emails with a drag-and-drop WYSIWYG interface. Select from pre-designed templates or start from scratch.

Forms & Landing Pages

Grow your mailing list by creating opt-in forms, popups, and landing pages. Integrate forms anywhere or host on Chimpmail's servers.

Deliverability and Infrastructure

One area where the free plan is more limited is deliverability and sending infrastructure. Chimpmail relies on third-party providers like Mailgun, Sendgrid, Amazon SES, etc. There are no advanced deliverability features like dedicated IPs, IP warming, or inbox placement testing.

Dedicated IPs allow you to maintain a sender reputation specific to your business rather than sharing an IP. IP warming gradually builds up a new IP's reputation. Inbox placement tests help optimize delivery to the primary inbox.

Without these capabilities, deliverability may be lower on the free plan. In comparison, Sensorpro offers superior deliverability through its own fast sending infrastructure and dedicated IPs to protect sender reputation. They also provide inbox placement monitoring and advanced tools like IP warming.

Support and Documentation

Chimpmail provides standard email and in-app support for all plans. There is also an extensive knowledge base with guides and FAQs. For quick help from other users, Chimpmail has an active community forum.

However, options like live chat and phone support are only included on paid plans. In contrast, Sensorpro offers 24/7 live chat assistance and real human support even on its free plan.

Summary and Conclusion

In summary, Chimpmail's free email marketing plan provides an easy way for small businesses and startups to get started without a monetary investment. The basic automation, segmentation, and integrations accommodate sending campaigns to up to 2,000 contacts.

While lacking some advanced features, it's an ideal starting point for budget-conscious users before upgrading to unlock greater capabilities. Overall, if you're looking to dip your toe into email marketing without spending a dime, Chimpmail's free plan has lots to offer.

For those needing a more fully-featured free plan that can support list growth, check out Sensorpro's live-chat-supported free plan with 5,000 contacts and superior deliverability.

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