Boost Deliverability with Sensorpro Email Marketing

published on 19 October 2023

Email marketing can be a powerful channel for engaging customers and driving conversions. However, most email campaigns never even make it to the inbox. Studies show that nearly 25% of emails sent by businesses end up blocked or in spam folders. With deliverability rates continuing to decline year over year, marketers must optimize their strategies to reliably reach subscribers.

In this article, weโ€™ll explore how Sensorpro provides advanced deliverability tools to help your emails get to the inbox.

The Importance of Deliverability

Deliverability refers to the percentage of emails sent that successfully arrive in subscribers' inboxes. Multiple factors influence deliverability:

  • Sender reputation - IP and domain sending history impact inbox placement. Poor reputations lead to blocking.
  • Email authentication - Validation protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC confirm senders. Missing authentication leads to spam folders.
  • Email content - Relevant, engaging content earns subscriber trust. Irrelevant or promotional content harms deliverability.
  • Subscriber engagement - Recipients engaging with emails signals good sending reputation. Low engagement damages reputation.

With the average inbox placement rate around 75%, thereโ€™s ample opportunity to optimize. Improving deliverability just 10% could mean thousands more emails reaching subscribers.

Dedicated email providers like Sensorpro offer advanced tools to maximize inbox placement by managing key factors like sender reputation, subscriber relationships, and monitoring analytics.

Leveraging Dedicated IP Addresses

One of the biggest deliverability factors Sensorpro helps optimize is sender reputation built through dedicated IP addresses.

Rather than sharing IPs, each Sensorpro account uses dedicated IPs isolated from other platform users. This prevents other senders' actions from impacting your deliverability.

Avoid Shared IP Pitfalls

On shared IPs, poor sending reputation of one user quickly degrades deliverability for all. Even responsible senders can be penalized with blocking and blacklisting due to another's harmful actions.

But with Sensorpro dedicated IPs, your sender reputation remains independent. Your inbox placement and email authentication status won't be harmed by behaviors beyond your control.

According to 250ok deliverability benchmarks, dedicated IPs enjoy 11% higher inbox placement rates over shared IPs. As regulations and filters tighten, dedicated IPs will only grow more essential.

Gradual IP Warming

Newly provisioned IPs lack sending history, so Sensorpro warms them up gradually to build positive reputation.

For the first 3 months, new IPs are rate limited to 200 emails per day. This warmup period incrementally scales up sending capacity as reputation improves until reaching account-level daily limits.

Proper IP warming helps avoid early-stage blocking that sharply limits future deliverability. Spiking volume too quickly on new IPs looks suspicious to filters.

Following industry warmup best practices, restrict new IPs to low initial volumes despite available sending capacity. Be patient and let IPs develop good reputation before pushing full throttle.

Using Relationship Tools

Beyond IP factors, Sensorpro provides powerful relationship-building tools to earn subscriber trust for better deliverability.

Sending Relevant Content

Deliverability success ultimately comes down to sending content your subscribers want to receive and engage with.

Sensorpro multi-channel automations and segmentation simplify sending hyper-targeted content matched to user preferences. For example, an ecommerce retailer could set up post-purchase nurture tracks with usage tips or accessory recommendations for different product categories.

Surveys allow gathering subscriber content preferences for personalized messaging. Quizzes, polls, and other interactive formats boost engagement over static formats.

Curated content outperforms promotional content by nearly 22% in open rates, so focus on delivering truly valuable information vs. product pitches. Put subscriber needs first.

Respecting Preferences

Equally important as sending relevant content is giving subscribers control over opted-in messaging.

Sensorpro granular preference centers, groups, and signup tags empower subscribers to tailor their interests, from email frequency to specific topics and content types.

Easy unsubscribe and preference management helps build brand trust. Subscribers who feel in control are 56% more likely to engage over those lacking preferences.

Prioritize clear communication, transparent expectations, and choice - subscribers will reward you with higher engagement driving better deliverability.

Monitoring Deliverability

Sensorpro enables deep deliverability insights through its comprehensive email analytics.

Key metrics to track regularly include:

  • Bounce rate - Aim under 2%. Above 5% signals potential issues.
  • Spam complaints - Goal below 0.1%. Above 0.3% risks blacklisting.
  • Click-to-open rate - Benchmark around 20-25%. Below 10% often indicates content problems.
  • Unsubscribe rate - Keep under 0.2% ideally. Above 0.5% suggests messaging improvements needed.
  • Engagement by segment - Review performance across different subscriber groups.

Falling short on these KPIs provides actionable opportunities to improve. For instance, high bounce rates could indicate the need for list hygiene. Low click rates may reveal ineffective content for a segment.

Sensorpro compiles these metrics into its dedicated Deliverability Dashboard. Alerts notify of unexpected rate changes, allowing quick response to mitigate impacts.

Continually analyze data trends to identify areas for optimization like testing new content formats, refining messaging, adjusting send cadence, and more. A/B test subject lines to improve open rates. Experiment across segments to find what resonates.

Proactively monitoring key metrics enables you to catch deliverability issues early and course correct. Optimize using data-backed insights to reach the inbox consistently.

Summary and Next Steps

As inbox placement grows more competitive, leveraging providers like Sensorpro to manage key deliverability factors becomes essential:

  • Dedicated IPs build positive sender reputation and avoid shared penalties.
  • Segmentation and automation enable personalized, relevant messaging that subscribers want to open.
  • Granular preferences give subscribers control over opt-ins to build trust.
  • Ongoing analytics allow monitoring metrics and optimizing campaigns.

Focusing on subscriber relationships and monitoring engagement leads to better deliverability. If you're ready to maximize inbox placement, explore how Sensorpro's comprehensive email marketing platform offers advanced deliverability features to meet your business needs. See how we help marketers reach the inbox.

Improving deliverability takes work, but pays dividends through greater subscriber engagement and conversions. With the right tools and strategy, your emails can effectively and reliably reach the inbox.

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