10 Must-Have Email Marketing Software Features

published on 17 October 2023

Email marketing is a pivotal strategy for engaging customers and driving conversions for businesses of all sizes. However, low open rates, poor deliverability, and insufficient automation can hinder results. Robust email marketing software equips you with the capabilities needed to succeed.

This guide will explore the key features to evaluate when choosing an email service provider. We'll compare top solutions across core functionalities like campaign creation, segmentation, automation, and deliverability optimization. With the right platform, you can dramatically increase open and clickthrough rates to maximize ROI.

Why Email Marketing Software Matters

Well-executed email campaigns convert 3 times higher than other channels at a fraction of the cost. But low-quality tools lead to low deliverability, engagement, and ultimately conversions. The right software provides:

  • Automation to execute complex workflows with ease
  • Segmentation to target and personalize messaging
  • Design flexibility to create polished, branded emails
  • Deliverability monitoring to maximize inbox placement
  • Integrations with your existing martech stack

For example, industry leader Sensorpro makes it easy to build targeted, automated campaigns with their drag-and-drop designer and visual workflow builder. Their real-time deliverability dashboards help optimize inbox placement.

Core Campaign Building Features

Robust campaign creation features enable you to execute sophisticated messaging strategies with ease.

Intuitive Campaign Setup & Design

Look for user-friendly editors and templating to create polished emails quickly:

  • Drag-and-drop editor with image libraries for visual customization
  • Customizable templates to maintain brand consistency
  • Collaboration tools like approval workflows
  • Personalization with merge tags for segmentation
  • A/B testing to optimize subject lines, content, etc.

For example, Sensorpro provides 70+ templates and an intuitive drag-and-drop editor to quickly build beautiful emails. Collaborate with team members using approvals and comments.

Powerful Campaign Automation

Sophisticated automation eliminates tedious manual tasks:

  • Onboarding sequences to convert and engage new subscribers
  • Re-engagement triggers for abandoned carts, inactive users, etc.
  • Milestone triggers for birthdays, anniversaries, purchases, etc.
  • Scheduled recurring emails like newsletters, announcements
  • Intelligent branching based on user behaviors

Sensorpro stands out with its easy-to-use visual workflow builder. Send follow-up sequences, trigger actions based on behaviors, schedule delays, and more without any coding.

Critical Deliverability Factors

Deliverability monitoring helps maximize inbox placement and engagement:

Protecting Your Sender Reputation

Core capabilities to safeguard your sender reputation:

  • Inbox placement monitoring by major ISP
  • Spam complaint tracking
  • Blacklist notifications if suddenly blocked
  • Sender score benchmarking vs industry averages
  • Dedicated IP options

For instance, Sensorpro offers real-time inbox placement monitoring for Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo and more. You'll get instant alerts if blacklisted so you can take corrective actions immediately.

Optimizing Inbox Placement

Tools to improve inboxing rates:

  • Warmup sending to gradually increase volume
  • Authentication like SPF, DKIM to prove sender legitimacy
  • Reputation monitoring for issues with ISPs
  • Message storage to resend blocked emails later

Sensorpro uses proprietary methods for optimal warmup sending. Their ongoing reputation monitoring also boosts inbox placement.

Expanded Features for Advanced Strategies

Additional capabilities take your email marketing further:

  • SMS integrations to extend reach and engagement
  • Surveys for better audience insight
  • Progressive profiling to gather more data over time
  • Abandoned cart tools to recover lost sales
  • Social media integrations to expand reach

For example, Sensorpro offers fully integrated SMS marketing to combine with email automations. Their surveys allow better personalization while social media expands your audience.

Unlocking Cross-Channel Marketing

Leverage channels beyond email:

  • SMS capabilities to boost engagement
  • Social media integrations to repurpose content
  • Messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp
  • Push notifications to reach users in-app

Sensorpro makes it easy to integrate SMS and social media with your email campaigns for superior results.

Subscriber Intelligence Tools

Better understand your audience:

  • Surveys to capture subscriber data
  • Segmentation to analyze engagement by group
  • Progressive profiling to update subscriber profiles over time
  • Contact scoring to prioritize high-value users

For example, Sensorpro provides surveys to gather detailed subscriber preferences for better targeting. Their segmentation analyzes open and click rates by group to optimize future messaging.

How Leading Providers Compare

When evaluating platforms, consider:


  • Easy-to-use editor and templates
  • Decent automation and segmentation
  • Average deliverability optimization

Constant Contact

  • Simplicity and ease of use
  • Affordable pricing tiers
  • Lacks advanced features

Campaign Monitor

  • Powerful segmentation and automation
  • Great design flexibility
  • OK deliverability monitoring


  • Drag-and-drop editor with 70+ templates
  • Robust workflow automation for any scenario
  • Real-time deliverability optimization

Sensorpro stands out with top-rated workflow automation, superior inbox placement monitoring, and integrated SMS capabilities.

Key Takeaways

Choosing the right software is crucial for email success. Look for powerful features like:

  • Segmentation for personalized targeting
  • Automation to streamline workflows
  • Design flexibility for polished branding
  • Deliverability optimization for inbox placement
  • Integrations with your existing stack

Evaluating leading solutions like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor and Sensorpro based on your needs is key. The right platform aligns with your subscribers, industry, and other requirements.

Robust email marketing software drives increased engagement, conversions, and revenue. With the right solution, you can execute sophisticated campaigns easily. Learn more about how Sensorpro's platform can maximize your email marketing performance.

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